Physics for High School & University Students

Hawaii School of True Science

HIgh School Physics - methods and concepts of general physics, with strong background in one-dimensional and two-dimensional motion.

High School Physics
This course " provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general physics, heavily emphasizing vector analysis; this text is ideal preparation for a university-level physics course. It provides the student with a strong background in one-dimensional and two-dimensional motion, Newtons laws and their application, gravity, work and energy, momentum, periodic motion, waves, optics, electrostatics, electrodynamics, electrical circuits, and magnetism".

PREREQUISITES for this course:
Algebra 1 & Geometry: This college-prep physics course is designed for the student who has completed algebra 1 and geometry, and has had an introduction to the math behind the trigonometry of sine, cosine, and tangent, etc.
You must have access to, or purchase the textbook "Exploring Creation with Physics" (ECP), 2nd Edition, Wile.

Please see additional link for description of this course

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