Physics - Advanced for High School and University Students

Hawaii School of True Science

Advanced Physics Advanced Physics in Creation Set


This advanced Physics course can be taken after a college preparatory physics course such as Exploring Creation with Physics and completion of algebra 2 with completed or current enrollment in pre-calculus.

This course is the equivalent of taking a 1 st semester college physics. Course will be taught over an entire school year of eight to nine months.

Students should be comfortable manipulating an equation to solve for “x” with various algebraic functions such as log and natural log functions, as well as manipulating vectors with trigonometry and the Pythagorean Theorem.

Historically, students who take this course do well on the CLEP and AP exams with additional exam preparation.

This course is designed to serve as a supplement to the independent curriculum provided by Apologia. Students are expected to read and work the problems in the textbook independently before coming to class. 

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